Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dream interpretation

“There are patterns perhaps far more important than the orderly flow of days and years. There is a pattern of meaning that reveals itself to us in its own time and in its own way. This special pattern is one which leads to fulfillment in life -- not only higher states of awareness but also a rich and joyful appreciation of life, oneself and others. . .

“The dream does not end when we wake up and write it down. It is an illustration of something going on within us and to work on interpreting a dream also means a willingness to work on ourselves, the dreamers. . .

“. . . we always have the choice of mentally building or creating a new thought pattern, rather than being controlled by an old one. Many of our dreams point out such opportunities to us.

“. . . during sleep the soul has actual experiences. It is our conscious recall of them, usually brought back in symbolic form, that we label ‘a dream.’

“. . . link dream study to spiritual unfoldment. . . the very purpose for dream study is development -- not just any kind of development, however. Rather the kind we are aiming for is that which leads us toward the higher forces, or the Ideal within us. Another way of saying this is that the way to interpret a dream is to find how it leads you to a deeper experience of the Ideal....

“Could it be that unrecognized figures in our dreams may be the Christ? . . . it may be that we often encounter the Christ in a dream but fail to recall it in the morning. Although not conclusive, one piece of evidence for this is the occurrence of a healing during sleep. . . . the Christ may influence our dreams by affecting the process of what is going on -- as in, for example, an unexpected reconciliation or overcoming of fear or animosity. . . It gives us a way of looking at more ordinary dreams in terms of a contact with His presence. . . . When we can recognize this influence, we discover that the Divine reveals itself frequently to us in the dream state.”

How to Interpret Your Dreams by Mark A. Thurston. Ph.D.

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