Friday, December 15, 2017

Glory Happening

     I like to read from a spiritual book as part of my morning prayer.  Right now I’m enjoying Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Places by Kaitlin B. Curtice, a Native American Christian author, speaker and worship leader.

     The book has an incarnational spirit, with its stories of everyday life followed by the moving and straightforward prayers Curtice has written.  I’m especially touched by the one that follows her reflection on The Practice of Patience.  She writes, “Hydrate our souls with the kind power of your Mystery.”  I love the idea of asking God to hydrate my soul. I say that now as I walk out my front door each day.  

     The book is divided into eight parts, each with about a half-dozen reflections on her life and how she finds the glory of God in its ordinariness. Sections include Creation, Light, Voice and Kingdom.  A scripture passage begins each reflection.

     "The Kingdom, in this case, is the daily manifestation of shalom," she writes in her Introduction. "The Kingdom is presence, a full alertness of living here and now.  It is living within the reality of peace in every circumstance.  And we move toward Kingdom as we live in glory, in all its manifestations for us.  Like a timeline, like seasons, we experience glory as a process."

     Glory Happening is a reminder to be in the moment because that is where we find God. When we take time to notice, we find that wherever we are, God is. 

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