This is today’s reflection from “How Far Is It to Bethlehem? A Spiritual Guide for Advent 2010” by Sr. Carol Perry, S.U. for Marble Collegiate Church.
“Opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11
Our own gift giving and receiving at this season mirrors the generosity of the Magi. They bring gifts that we will never fathom. Gold we can understand. It is useful. But we are stumped by the perfume and the incense, so reminiscent of the East and its fragrances. Looked at from a different angle, they are perfectly comprehensible gifts. They are the best these sages have to bring. As we wrap and offer our own gifts to each other may we include something of this same spirit of sharing a bit of ourselves with those we love.
Let us pray for the grace to be a gift to someone we meet today by a smile, an encouraging word or an understanding nod. It is a way to perfume the world.
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